Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hey, I like writing.

The reason I started this blog back in good ole' 2013 was mainly because my sister had one (with lots of followers and a pretty good lookin' format). Granted, this blog only has two official followers and looks like a sixteen year old (who didn't know what they were doing) put it together, but I loved writing the few posts I did. And as I've started writing on it again (even though it's for an English class and about silly things), I've remembered how much I love writing. It feels so good to put down my thoughts.

Writing makes a moment, an idea, a feeling permanent. It may not seem like it most of the time but our lives and very beings are dynamic, always changing. I'm not the same person I was five minutes ago and neither are you. I find it incredible that sentences made out of words made out of letters made out of lines can be used to communicate ideas and are capable of preserving people with their personalities and thoughts! 

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