Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Everybody Got Their Something (yeah)

Allow me a brief trip down memory lane.

 I promise we won't linger that long. Flashback to the good old days of Mrs. Foreman's class. Throughout the day, as we were doing our sixth-grade thang, our curly-haired, crazy (I mean it in a sweet, endearing way) teacher would play "transition songs," moving us along from task to task. "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield *RELEASE YOUR INHIBITIONS! Feel the rain on your skin! No one else can feel it for you! Only you can let it in!*  blasted as we removed our Language arts books from our desks, and the "Proud" song inspired us whenever we wrote in our "Pride Journals" (Oh man... the Pride Journal is another post for another day. *WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TODAY TO MAKE YOU FEEL PROOOOUUUUD???*) Needless to say, after listening to these songs day after day, roughly 180 times, I know all the lyrics by heart. By far the best one was "Everybody Got Their Something" by Nikka Costa. I still remember hearing this song, strutting to get my math book, and feeling oh-so-very cool. 

Flash forward to the high school version of Hope strutting (well, not really) out of Mr. Jenkin's AP Calculus class and feeling oh-so-very cool (sorta.) I was quickly overwhelmed by a multitude of sophomores coming from the Driver's Ed. class across the hall and immediately took note of a tall, bespectacled boy speaking animatedly to his pal. It became apparent that he was speaking about a video game, though I still have yet to figure out what any of it meant (The gaming scene is definitely not Hope's cup of tea...erm... hot chocolate.) For some reason this image stuck with me throughout the day, and I found myself wondering what was so significant about this random sophomore's conversation. Then it hit me. The sparkle in that kid's eye. When he spoke of "leveling up" and "ghosting," he was talking about his passion.

There's no way the human race could survive without passion! (Just kidding, we'd probably get along fine. Quality of life would take a notable turn for the worst though.) We all need something to put that sparkle in our eyes, whether it's professional table tennis or playing the tuba or even gaming! In other words....

Cue music. 
Feel free to dance... I won't judge. No promises for any one else in the vicinity though.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Newman. You should have a writing spot in the new era.
