Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm not perfect, just perfectly happy being me.

Sometimes, I'll admit, I ask really dumb questions and then laugh over what comes out of my mouth.

Sometimes I find myself wishing I didn't tower over everyone else; however, most of the time I enjoy my five-foot-ten height.

Sometimes I feel rather awkward, yet have to remind myself that everyone's awkward in their own way. 

Sometimes I have to stop myself from comparing my talents to others' and remember that we're all unique. 

Sometimes I think the world is too big of a place to have lived in this little old town for all my life, but then I think of how good it's been to me. 

Sometimes I want the chance to go back and redo my mistakes, but I realize that they're what has made me who I am. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

God is in the Details

Tonight as I sat on the porch steps, the sky came alive with bright streaks of light repeatedly swooping down on the mountainside. The crackling bolts of lighting split the air and left me completely in awe of their power. This, to me, is evidence that God exists.

Last Friday I lay reading in the grass and couldn't help but notice the sky up above. The setting sun illuminated the clouds, making them appear a delicate shade of pink. A waxing crescent moon hung over them in the pale blue sky. Listening to the wind dance through the trees, I couldn't imagine a more perfect summer's night. This, to me, is evidence of a God that cares.

Last week I had the opportunity to go canoeing on Legacy Lake with my best friend. We neared the middle of the lake and were given the cue to begin two minutes of silence. I looked all around me, noticing everything from the pines reaching up towards the sky to the calm breeze blowing ripples across the water. Ducks quacked to their young as we drifted near. I spent those two minutes marveling at the beautiful world surrounding me. This, to me, is evidence that God loves us.

This very moment the sound of raindrops outside my window brings with it the cool night air. The world smells clean and fresh and new. I can feel my heart beating and honestly can't believe what a wonderful thing it is to be alive. Those who argue that the existence of a higher being is impossible need only look around them to be proved wrong. Doesn't it bring a smile to your face to know that God is in the details?